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Undergraduate students 박민정 She is studying at the department of Information and Communication Eng. in Chosun university. She came the Lab. for DMC at Apr. 1, 2015. At present, Her research interests are program language regarding multimedia signal processing and game. Finally, Her E-mail is alswjd3854@hanmail.net. 임환종 He is studying at the department of Information and Communication Eng. in Chosun university. He came ..
International Journals of Computer Science 등록번호 학술지명 발행처 출판국 SCI등록 10024 Algorithmica Springer-Verlag 미국 O 10104 Computational Geometry : Theory and Applications Elsevier Science 영국 O 10124 Discrete & Computational Geometry Springer-Verlag 미국 O 10202 Intelligent Automation and Soft Computing Autosoft press 미국 O 10208 International Journal of Computational Geometry & Applications Academia Sinica 대만 O 10210 International Journal of Compute..
International proceedings 1. Santosh Subedi, Goo-Rak Kwon, Seokjoo Shin, Suk-seung Hwang, and Jae-Young Pyun, “Beacon Based Indoor Positioning System Using Weighted Centroid Localization Approach,” ICUFN2016, Jul. 2016. 2. Saruar Alam, Moonsoo Kang, Jae-Young Pyun, and Goo-Rak Kwon, “Performance of classification based on PCA, Linear SVM, and Multi-kernel SVM,” ICUFN2016, Jul. 2016. (AD ack.) 3. Nguyen Van Han, Dibash Ba..
2013 캠퍼스 특허전략 유니버시아드 특허전략 수립부문 수상대상자 2013 캠퍼스 특허전략 유니버시아드 특허전략 수립부문은 612팀(1,410명)이 참가하였으며, 88팀이 높은 경쟁률을 뚫고 발표심사까지 올라왔습니다. 열띤 경쟁끝에 최종 수상팀은 22개 대학 52팀(137명)의 수상 대상자가 선정 되었습니다. 참조: http://www.patent-universiade.or.kr/unsi/u_bbs.do?method=detail
2013-11-06_Asilomar conference 참석 참석!
Domestic journal (Korea) 1. Ramesh Kumar Lama, Goo-Rak Kwon, “Multiple Description Coding Using Directional Discrete Cosine Transform,” Journal of Information and Communication Engineering, Nov. 2013. (NIPA, NRF) (방향성 이산여현변환을 이용한 다중표현부호화) 2. 김종헌, 권구락, “Implementation of Subway Mileage Accumulating System for Energy Conservation,” Journal of Advanced Information Technology and Convergence(JAITC),Vol. 11, Vol. 7, pp. 131-..
ICCGI 2013, Nice 학회 참가 사진!
2013년 5월 4일 무등산 산행